There're Always LOTS OF MISTAKES!!!

~Not in the mood of blogging,actually~

Oh,hari Rabu aritu ada 'SESUATU YANG BERLAKU',hmm,quite good,or maybe bad,a bit.

Segalanya berjalan dengan agak lancar,pada mulanya.But things turn upside down for me on the next minute!Astaghfirullah,kenapalah diri nie susah sangat nak control marah...

I really-really-really didn't mean to act like that,it seems like I'm too childish!!Kenapa sesiapa yang terasa,ana minta maaf sangat sangat.Mungkin entum fikir ana boleh kawal keadaan bila dah jadi agak huru-hara.Tapi sangkaan tu akan meleset sama sekali apabila keadaan tu melibatkan diri ana.I may can control the condition when someone else made the chaos,but I can't control it when I'm the one who made it!

Astaghfirullah,ana sendiri tak tau macam mana nak belajar ubah diri nie.It seems like I'm gonna make lots of changes.Really hope that someone's there to help me.

Lepas ni,I'm gonna try to become nicer.Mungkin sedikit sebanyak akan membantu.InsyaAllah...
Doa-doakan ye....

Kepada semua sahabat:~Classmates,Schoolmates,BPDSs dan saper-saper jer yang mengenali diri nie...

No matter how much I throw my anger on you,there's something I always want you to know.Life is about sacrifices,lots of sacrifices.Diri ni tak pernah membenci entum.I tried my best to pull you away from jumping to the ocean of mistakes.But maybe I'm the one who's at fault,maybe I'm the one who's not qualified enough to do so.I'm sorry...

Oh,perjumpaan hari Rabu bersama BPDS haritu best,entum memang sporting.Tapi mungkin ana tersilap langkah,rasanyer jadi tak best pulak.Ana minta maaf,lepas ni kita baiki kualiti usrah@perjumpaan kita sama-sama keyh.Kita cuba baikpulih kembali bumi yang tercinta ni.

Bumi yang penuh barokah suatu ketika dahulu ini kini tandus,gersang,sudah lama tak dibajai sinar kegemilangan seperti dulu. Hanya siraman tarbiyyah dan dakwah yang mampu menyuburkannya kembali. InsyaAllah,kita mampu melakukannya.

Ilmu di dada,kita amalkan sama-sama,dan kita didik mereka,kerana ilmu tanpa amal sama seperti diibaratkan pohon tanpa buah.Berdiri dalam satu saf perjuangan yang sama,InsyaAllah,kita boleh lakukannya.
I know all of you're hurt in this road of da'wah,cause I felt that too.But never give up hope,cause Allah is always by our side,InsyaAllah.

Bila engkau letih dan hilang semangat,
Allah tahu betapa engkau telah mencuba sedaya upaya.

Bila tangisanmu berpanjangan dan hatimu kedukaan,
Allah telah mengira titisan air matamu.

Bila engkau merasa ketinggalan dan masa meninggalkanmu,
Allah sentiasa disisimu.

Bila engkau telah mencuba tapi engkau merasa buntu,
Allah ada jalan penyelesaian.

Bila tiada yang bereti buatmu,keliru dan kecewa,
Allah adalah jawapannya...


 Setakat ni jelah untuk hari nie...

Wallahua'lam Bissawab...
Asslamulaikum WBT...

What Is Love???

What is love? Love is definitely essential in our life. How much we appreciate love in our life? What can we get from love? Here, I will show you what LOVE is.

Being lucky as a Muslim. Learn the meaning of love in Islam is beautiful. I love Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), my parents, family and all my Muslim sisters and brothers. 

Obey the rules in Al-Quran and As-Sunnah, we will surely get the perfect blissful life. There are many things that I learnt in Al-Quran and As-Sunnah, including love. As we know, Islam is a religion that loves peace.
Vowing that there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Only Allah is The One who we cannot forget. He is always watching us and always cares about us. 
Love is an effort to get the meaningful life. Always caring and being honest is a vital in love. We need to be caring and honest with our brothers and sisters in Islam and to all people all around the world.

That is LOVE, which will always makes us smile and happy, always in our heart, forever and ever...InsyaAllah.